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└── a blog about my journey to software engineer

Week Two

General, JavaScript1 min read

This week was DOM manipulation, array methods, callback functions, animations, forms & classes, and planning for Project One. And I’m pooped. I guess “bootcamp” is fitting.

The goal of Project One is to create a game in Vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS that will then be deployed to Heroku. I’m planning on building a Snake-type game, Caterpillar. I’ll be drawing up wireframes, figuring out how I’ll build the game, assessing potential challenges, and outlining phases of completion for my proposal this weekend. I can’t believe I’m about to build something on my own. It’s definitely going to be a challenge, but I’m heading into it guns blazing (with all my notes and Google by my side).

I’ll share updates on Project One progress next week and a link to my project.

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